
Core Coalition Partners

Endorsing organizations

  • 350BK 

  • 350NYC 

  • A Little Piece of Light 

  • Action Corps NYC 

  • ALIGN 

  • Bronx Connect 

  • Bronx Freedom Fund 

  • Bronx Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Mayor’s Justice Implementation Task Force 

  • Brooklyn Defender Services 

  • CUNY Center for Urban Environmental Reform 

  • El Puente

  • Exodus Transitional Community 

  • Food and Water Watch

  • Forest Hills Green Team 

  • Fortune Society 

  • Friends of the Earth 

  • Greenhope Services 

  • Hour Children 

  • Housing Plus Solutions 

  • Jails Action Coalition 

  • Katal Center 

  • Move Forward Staten Island 

  • New York Communities for Change 

  • New York Lawyers for the Public Interest

  • New Yorkers for Clean Power 

  • NYC Returning Citizens Political Club 

  • One Queens Indivisible 

  • Osborne Association 

  • Providence House 

  • Queens Climate Project

  • Regional Plan Association  

  • Riverkeeper 

  • Save the Sound 

  • START Empowerment

  • Sunrise Movement NYC 

  • The Center for Sustainable Business at NYU Stern School of Business

  • The Micah Institute 

  • The Peace Poets 


  • Urban Justice Center - Mental Health Project 

  • Visionary V 


  • Waterfront Alliance 

  • WE ACT for Environmental Justice 

  • Women's Action Group of Forest Hills 

  • Women's Community Justice Association 

  • Women's Prison Association

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