The Renewable Rikers Act
introduced in the City Council on June 13, 2019, co-sponsored by Council Members Constantinides, turns our vision into policy. The three bills create a framework to work toward reaching our State and Citywide climate goals through a renewable, regenerative, and restorative post-carceral Rikers Island.
In February 2021, the three bills that comprise the Renewable Rikers Act passed with overwhelming support in the City Council and were signed into law by the Mayor. But our work is just beginning – to advance this transformation on the fastest possible timeline, with the greatest possible benefits to impacted communities.
Local Law 16
Passed on February 11, 2021:
Establishes a process to transfer control of Rikers Island from the Department of Correction to other agencies for sustainability and resiliency purposes as the jails close, and an advisory committee to guide the process. The advisory committee will include survivors of Rikers and residents of environmental justice communities.
Local Law 17
Passed on February 11, 2021:
Requires New York City to determine the feasibility of what renewable energy and large-scale battery storage can be sited on Rikers Island, as part of the Long-Term Energy Plan.
Local Law 31
Passed on February 25, 2021:
Requires New York City to assess capacity for organics and wastewater processing on Rikers Island.